K18 auf Panzer battle tank (Assembly model)

cm: 7.3 w x 15.4 d x 6.8 h
in: 2.874 w x 6.063 d x 2.677 h

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If you are a fan of tank-related multiplayer there is a big chance that you have heard of battle tank K18 Panzer - heave tank destroyer. Two prototypes of this tank destroyer were presented on March 31st, 1941 as Nazis assumed that USSR was preparing to launch heavily armed tanks. However, that did not happen and these beasts were never sent to mass production. Nevertheless, they still remain a magnificent example of heavy tank destroyers from WWII era and will be a great and rare addition to any tank collection.

While creating this 3D model our 3D experts made sure that it is adapted for 3D printer and tested it, so that you won’t have any hassle in printing and assembling it. Furthermore, they’ve adapted it for two types of printers: Fff and sla/sls - which is why you won’t waste any funds on expensive equipment and will be able to use even your home 3D printing machine.

This beast of a machine will be a striking jewel in your collection or action figure set up. Place it on a bookshelf, use it in a game board - it will look cool wherever you place it!- See more at: 

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