The charismatic, eccentric and playboy Tony Stark, who is also known as the Iron Man, has won many hearts since his on-screen appearance. His witty jokes make him one of the most adored on-screen characters. And is not only because of this he is so loved. His technical knowledge allowed him to create an iron suit to escape his enemy, becoming a superhero.

Of course, Tony Stark would not have missed the chance to gain additional popularity by disclosing that he was the man wearing the armoured suit and jumping in the heat of fights and battles against villains.

Iron Man became a legend overnight. Every little boy dreams to be like him, every man envies him. After 3 Iron Man-centered movies and 3 more Avengers movies, Iron Man is on top as never before.

In order to keep on track with the trend, he compiled a list of 3D printed Iron Man items. Here, you will find 3D printing ideas for the Iron Man helmet, boots, arms, armour, and even the entire suit. If there’s something we failed to cover, do let us know and we will try to include the items in the list. Starting from head to toe, here we go!

3D Printed Iron Man Helmet

You will probably find tens and even hundreds of 3D printed Iron Man helmets online. There are some good, there are some … not so good. Since 3D printing evolves every year, you will be happy to know that 3D printing a fitting and wearable helmet of Iron Man is no longer a Mission Impossible. In fact, this Mission is very possible and with some additional electronics, you can achieve some pretty cool results. Like Ryan Brooks did.

Brooks managed to recreate the Iron Man helmet in every little detail. It has a lowering jaw which makes putting the helmet on easier.

The mechanism that the 3D printed Iron Man helmet is provided with is made by Brooks himself. It looks pretty awesome for a 3D printed piece.

3D Printed Iron Man Arms

3d printed iron man arms

Now that you have the helmet, let’s move down to the arms. There is one that we like and want to share it with you. It replicates the Iron Man Mk42 arm very close to the one in the one seen in the movie. The arm is broken down into 21 parts for movability. The maker behind this project also has sewn a glove that goes under the armour.

The maker created the repulsor by cutting it from acrylic sheet and lighting with small white LED’s power by batteries that go under the wrist.

3D Printed Iron Man Arc Reactor

3d printed iron man arc reactor

Iron Man Arc Reactor is the core of the suit, the device the puts the Iron Man suit in motion. It is sort of a mechanical heart.

The are many attempts at 3D printing the Arc Reactor but we believe the one that we will tell you more about is the best so far. The reactor was recreated by a Dutch student and believe it or not, it was his first 3D printing project.

Maluche was inspired by the scene in which Pepper Potts gives Tony Stark the Arc Reactor. As a huge Iron Man fan, Timo Maluche saw the scene as an opportunity of making himself way in the 3D printing DIY world and took it. Now, his Arc Reactor is not just a simple piece of plastic. It has slots for mini LEDs, 30 to be precise, and for a 9-volt battery block. Also, just to allow the core to light during night time without using the LEDs, he 3D printed the white parts of the Arc Reactor with glow-in-the-dark filament.

Pretty awesome!

3D Printed Iron Man Boots

Now, moving down to the lower limbs of the suit and getting your feet into some nice Iron Man-ish boots. Fancy walking your neighbourhood in superhero boots? It will literally mean to step into the super hero’s shoes. How cool is that?!

Of course, a simple Iron Man 3D printed boot would not impress anybody. But what would you say about a 3D printed boot with incorporated electronics and joints for extra effects? This is what artist James Christianson has been working on. He is already at his 3rd attempt at recreating the Iron Man boot, but the latest one is more sophisticated than you can imagine. It is supposed to incorporate more expensive electronics, servos, joints and additional materials. Also, the 3rd version will no longer feature the iron Man boot armour we are used to. Instead, it will be more of a skeletal frame.

3D Printing Iron Man Suit

3d printed iron man mk45 suit

Getting closer to put together all the pieces of this puzzle and moving to the Iron Man suit. You can use the aforementioned parts of the suit to customize your Iron Man cosplay suit, or you can simply go the easier way and use the files of a 3D printing Iron Man suit.

The one we showcase in this post is the replica of Iron Man Mk45 seen in Avengers: Age of Ultron and is split into separate body parts, such as helmet, neck, chest, back, shoulders, bicep, forearm, hand, fingers, abdominal, thighs, shins and boots.
But be aware that depending on your height, you might want to scale the model up or down to fit your stature.

The 3D printed Iron Man suit is perfect for Cosplay shows and events or for Halloween Parties. Needless to say, that it will serve you for many years to come, with additional upgrades, of course.

3D Printing Iron Man Figurines

Iron Man Hulkbuster

3d printed iron man hulkbuster figurine

You’ve seen Hulkbuster making his appearance in Avengers: Age of Ultron. The bulky version of the Iron Man is impressive both by design and size. Plus, you can use it both as a piece for tabletop games or as a collectable.

When 3D printed, the Iron Man Hulkbuster action figure will stand 23cm high by 18cm wide.

Those who want to 3D print the figurine can download the files here.

Iron Man Armory 3D Printing Miniature

3d printed Iron Man Armory

Another version of Iron Man 3D Printing miniature that will stand only 15 cm tall. 3D print the toy in a single item and paint it using the trademark Iron Man colours – gold and crimson for a more realistic look. The figurine doesn’t need support for 3D printing but it is required to set the infill at 12%. The artist behind this magnificent Iron Man figurine says it will take you up to 3 hours to print.

So, what are you waiting for? Get the files here and start printing.

Iron Man Mark 46 Statue

3D PRINTED iron-man-mark46

We kept this one for dessert because it’s the miniature we’re most proud of to show off. The legendary Tony Stark turned Iron Man wearing his self-designed armour enhanced with nanotechnology and infrared scanners. Wearing one of this will ensure your safety in some of the most dangerous situations. It withstands blasts and and powerful strikes. Needless to say that this armor suit is bulletproof. Of course, Tony didn’t rely only on its bulletproof capability. For extra security, he enhanced the armor with upgraded repulsors and lasers, sonic pulses and light flashes.

Of course, the Iron Man Mark 46 miniature will not feature all this weaponry, but rest assured that you have one of the best saviours that has ever existed.

Also, the miniature is captured in levitating mode. Use a different material for the fire blast that the feet repulsors create.

The STL files are already available at Gambody 3D Printing Premium Marketplace for purchase.


Whether you decide to give it a shot to an Iron Man 3D printing figurine or to an entire Iron Man 3D printed suit, you will make the best decision either way.

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