July Roundup: 3D Models of the Month

It’s high summer now, but 3D modelers are still working hard to impress you by developing files for 3D printing miniatures. Transformers, superheroes, orcs, tanks, and spaceships – it’s all about how we spent July. We gathered all models released in our July Roundup for you, check it up.

X-men Wolverine 3D Printing Miniature

Wolverine 3D printed figurine

Description: Our July started with releasing Wolverine from X-men comics. Dressed in his canonic suit that never appeared in movies, it became popular among comic books fans. Both assembly and static versions are for sale.

Size: 24 cm wide, 26 cm tall, and 16 cm deep.

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Durotan from Warcraft 3D Printing Miniature

Description: Highly detailed, this assembly miniature for 3D print of Durotan is really impressive. Inspired by its prototype from the movie, it is designed to express power and mightiness.

Size: 52.6 mm wide, 295.6 mm high, 239.6 mm deep.

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Star Wars Rebels TIE Phantom 3D Printing Miniature

TIE Phantom for 3D printing

Description: Not only those who are fond of Star Wars universe will understand how awesome this spaceship figurine is. If you love space and futuristic designs, you should definitely print TIE Phantom and feel the Empire power.

Size: 77 mm wide, 345 mm high, and 345 mm deep.

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1:35 Scale Tank Merkava Mk 4 

Description: You’re not a military man, though you still want to have a tank at home? Or, at least, its scale model? Now it is possible. Download STL files for Tank Merkava Mk 4 at Gambody and assemble it by your own.

Size: 97 mm wide, 84 mm high and 240 mm deep

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Transformers: The Last Knight Megatron 3D Model

Description: The fifth part of Transformers franchise has come out in June, which was an inspiration for releasing the model of Megatron – main negative character of the movie. Though, the title was, honestly, a failure, Megatron still retains his popularity. You can print one for your own and forget the last parts of a movie ever existed.

Size: 195,47 mm wide, 244,55 mm high, and 195,4 7mm  deep.

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BattleMech Male Pilots 3D Printing Files for SLS/SLA

Description: If you ever played MechWarrior Online, you certainly had a question about how mechs pilots look like. And here is our answer. They never appeared in the game itself, so the design of this figurines is based on fan-art.

Size: 30 mm or 22 mm high.

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That is what July was like for us. There is even more interesting stuff waiting for you in August, follow Gambody and don’t miss anything!

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