When the trees begin to blossom, and nature starts to awaken from the long winter days, it is great to look back at February trends in 3D printing community. The last winter month of the leap year turned many talented minds towards video game models to 3D print, paint and share in Gambody group on Facebook. Men and women crafted many remarkable characters and robots from popular StarCraft, World of Warcraft, Witcher and MechWarrior Online games.
Among the most popular video game models to 3D print in 2020 were courageous Varian Wrynn, impressive Illidan, brave Witcher, powerful Timber Wolf, Terran Battlecruiser, Siege Tank, Hunchback, Terran Thor and impressive Atlas mask.

Video Game Models to 3D Print
However, talented 3D printing enthusiasts chose more than just video game models to 3D print. Two movie characters, Joker and Alien Xenomorph, were also on the list of trending figurines to turn into masterpieces that take your breath away.
Here are the six main themes that excited the talented minds in February and might excite your imagination as well.
1. Joker Figurine to 3D Print
The Oscar-winning Joker has become one of the most exciting projects to craft in 2020. Many hobbyists and 3D printing enthusiasts are in love with the character starred by Joaquin Phoenix. It was portraited so well in the movie that Phoenix swept some major awards for this role, including the best actor at the 92nd Academy Awards.
Phoenix’s version of Joker is an ambitious and unlucky standup comic with a disorder that causes him to burst into uncontrollable laughter and makes him a cruel killer. Joker’s love for unreasonable laughter and his most famous scene at the stairs are depicted in the trending figurine of Joker for 3D printing.
You can 3D print it for your collection and add bright colours in Joker’s clothes, just like several hobbyists did in February:

2. StarCraft Video Game Models to 3D Print
The world of StarCraft is vast and impressive. This video game series gives men a chance to become real warriors on their computer screens. Fighting with tanks and battleships gives the feeling of what it is like to be a real winner, especially when the warships are not virtual, but 3D printed.
There are three primary races in StarCraft video game, fantastic Terrans, monstrous Zergs and muscular Protoss species. Still, February trends in 3D printing Gambody community were devoted to building ships and tanks.
The two most popular models to 3D print in February were Terran Battlecruiser and Siege Tank. However, hobbyists also made a great version of Terran Thor and the amazing Queen of Blades from the StarCraft video game.

3. MWO Video Game Models to 3D Print
Mech video game models are as trendy to 3D print as StarCraft projects. Gambody – Premium 3D printing marketplace offers a variety of BattleMech and BattleTech robots that look stunning on different types of 3D printers.
The trending MWO 3D printing models of February were MadCat (Timber Wolf), Hunchback and Cataphract. The fantastic Atlas mask also turned out as a real masterpiece.
Here are the most impressive MechWarrior Online video game models to 3D print in 2020:

4. Alien Xenomorph Creatures 3D Printing Trends of February
Alien species are viral in movies and modern video games. After appearing in the Alien film series for the first time, this monstrous creature has become a well-recognized antagonist to use in various projects. Of course, the 3D printing community is also in love with Alien Xenomorph and keeps crafting countless versions of this monster to display on shelves and use in tabletop wargames.
The 3D printing trends of February include the Alien figurine, Alien Queen and Alien Xenomorph for diorama. All the projects look fantastic and please the eye:

5. WoW Video Game Models to 3D Print
The mysterious world of legends and magic powers, World of Warcraft (WoW), is another popular video game to play. Its characters become impressive models to 3D print because each one possesses fine details, life-like face, stunning armour and perfect steel arms.
February trends included the courageous Varian Wrynn, mysterious Illidan Stormrage and fierce Lich King figurines. But there are many more beautiful World of Warcraft 3D printing models to make in 2020.
Here are some stunning examples of works shared by Gambody enthusiasts in the Facebook community in February:

6. Witcher Figurine to 3D Print
Since the release of The Witcher TV series, it is a tradition to toss a coin to the Witcher and 3D print a beautiful figurine of Geralt of Rivia.
While the model resembles the Witcher from the video game, fans of the new TV series are also in love with his courageous appearance. It is a trend to print and paint all the fantastic details the Witcher figurine for 3D printing boasts. The detailed armour with chain mail inserts, leather pants, high boots, two beautiful swords look incredible when painted with love.
Each final masterpiece brings astonishment and a real pleasure:

Choose your next video game models to 3D print and create fantastic pieces of art. Make sure to share images of your future 3D printed figurine or model with other hobbyists in Gambody Facebook group. It is a perfect place to display your prints and touch the hearts of many enthusiasts who are also in love with 3D printing.