September 3D Printed Figurines Pick of the Month

Guess who’s back, back again?

The beautiful season of snowy weather and cozy evenings never discontinues its profound influence on people’s imagination, mood and often urges to discover new things. And isn’t all new is well overlooked old? We are coming back with our regular roundup Pick of the Month!

How could we let pass unnoticed all the nice works shared by our customers at the end of 2018 when we were keeping quiet? That is why starting from the beginning of 2019 we are going to recollect all the best Gambody prints published since September 2018 and hopefully inspire you, guys, to take up new and challenging projects. So, without further ado, let’s jump right into it!

Ant-Man and The Wasp Diorama

Rumour has it Ant-Man and the Wasp may play crucial role in the development of the ‘Avengers 4’ plot. No wonder – all the Marvel fans have been speculating for months on the source of potential salvation in the battle against Thanos. But this is only a theory – we’ve got to wait until late spring when the ‘Endgame’ will put everything right.

In spite of size and certain complexity the popularity of The Ant-Man and The Wasp Diorama is only growing with time. Thanks to that we receive a lot of photos from our customers that we gladly share. Visual guides of the process, different colour scheme and filament choices – how can these photos not inspire to acquire your own superhero duo for 3D printing?

Maker: Ed Nelles

Ant Man and The Wasp 3D Printing Figurine

Maker: Stephane Bukk

Ant-Man 3D Printing Figurine

Maker: Darrell Kelley

Ant-Man and The Wasp 3D Printing Figurines The Wasp 3D Printing Figurine

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Predator vs Dutch diorama

If it bleeds, we can kill it.

Little did Major Alan Schaefer know that the rescue mission to Val Verde would turn into a messy game of hide-and-seek with an unknown creature. Now the highly skilled mercenary has got little time left to kill the Predator before all the members of his team fall victim to merciless alien.

We are standing here in awe of these incredible 3D printed results. The painting job makes the Jungle Hunter look so realistic. Just imagine having such a cutie on your desk or even on a bedside table – good thing these Predators are just 3D printed figurines.

Maker: Ed Nelles

Predator vs Dutch Diorama for 3D Printing

Maker: Tomáš Docik Dotzauer

Predator 3D Printing Figurine

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Wonder Woman

Arguably the most famous heroine of all time Wonder Woman has finally got her very own movie to star in all her glory. Princess Diana, beautiful and fearless protector of justice, armed with powers of Greek Gods and trained by Amazon Warriors is always ready to come to rescue of those in need.

Isn’t this stunning Wonder Woman 3D printed figurine looks as if in the middle of a battle? The armour kept in readiness, the hair swaying in the breeze, eyes fixed on goal – the brave Diane is depicted just as we all know and admire her!

Maker: Marco Bocciarelli

Wonder Woman 3D Printing Figurine

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Like most cats, Beerus loves to sleep for long hours, groom himself and is most of the time playful and cat-like indifferent. What distinguishes him from other cat family representatives is the fact that Beerus is so powerful that is able to destroy entire planets with all the inhabitants for even the slightest disrespect for his title.

The 3D printed bust of the Purple God of Destruction with shrewd yellow eyes and long pointed ears is a rare but welcome guest in our monthly roundup. And guess where Beerus has been missing – hitting the gym to keep those abs fit for sure.

Maker: Fred Breton

Beerus 3D Printing Bust

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Baby Groot

Despite the age, the young Guardian’s actions prove that no matter how old or small you are, the real hero is always ready to assist in defeating the monster and probably even save the day.

Though particularly this tiny superhero is definitely up to no good and we are pretty sure that his teammates won’t be pleased with his behaviour. Just take a look at Baby Groot’s devilish smirk – the rebellious adolescent stage is looming on the horizon!

Maker: Byoungyoung Choi

Baby Groot 3D Printing Figurine

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Due to tragic fate and striking appearance of a high elf ranger-general of Silvermoon, Sylvanas is considered to be one of the most popular characters in the Warcraft series of video games. Having had her soul ripped out and being transformed into a banshee, the Dark Lady struggled a lot to get her free will back. And now she is leading armies of confederates to fight For the Horde!

We’ve got three different images of 3D printed figurines of the Warchief of the Horde and either way the Queen looks stunning. Put all doubts aside, print your own Sylvanas and paint the figurine the way you wish – in imagination, there’s no limitation.

Maker: Benjamin Rideout

Sylvanas 3D Printing Figurine

Maker: Steven James Calcky

Sylvanas 3D Printing Figurine

Maker: Theodoros Kyriakidis

Sylvanas 3D Printing Figurine

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Chibi Flash

The explosion of the S.T.A.R. Labs particle accelerator has endowed lots of people with metahuman powers. As one might expect, many of them didn’t choose to use the newly acquired abilities for the benefits of humanity. As a result, crime rate in Central City has grown drastically and the police forces are no longer able to preserve peace and security.

How long can an ordinary forensic scientist keep in secret the fact that he is now the fastest man alive? Don’t let the size of the Chibi Flash 3D printing miniature deceive you. Barry Allen is reported to be faster than speed of light!  

Maker: Aaron Strome

Chibi Flash 3D Printing Figurine

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Chibi Batman

Bruce Wayne differs from most superheroes – he doesn’t have any superpowers. Thoughts of revenge since the early childhood have driven him to the single end in view. Continuous physical and intellectual training, detective skills development, secluded lifestyle – the Dark Knight gave his ordinary life as a sacrifice to make sure that the streets of Gotham City are safe.

Here’s one more Chibi miniature from Aaron Strome’s collection. This 3D printed model is probably too cute to look intimidating. But we are pretty sure that this Batman is no less determined to avenge all the criminals of the city – Bruce Wayne’s genius-level intelligence compensates for the miniature’s height.  

Maker: Aaron Strome

Chibi Batman 3D Printing Figurine

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Thanos and Iron Man Diorama

Leaving the cinema after the Infinity War premiere we were feeling the same despair that is depicted on the Iron Man’s face in this 3D printing diorama. SPOILER ALERT! Though it’s unlikely that anyone doesn’t know the outcome of the final battle. Having the Infinity Gauntlet and all the Stones in possession Thanos is determined to bring balance to the universe by disintegrating half of all life. Who really considered him to be able to pull it off? The most controversial superhero movie ending has loosely divided all the fans into those who understand Thanos’ motivation and those who claim that such an unlimited power could have been used for the welfare of the universe. So is Thanos really a villain here?

It’s entirely up to you what opinion to adhere to but either way, it would not be out of place to have such an amazing 3D printing diorama as a reminder of what may become the most iconic superhero confrontation of the decade.

Maker: Je Kwon Im

Thanos and Iron Man 3D Printing Diorama

Maker: Je Kwon Im

Thanos and Iron Man 3D Printing DioramaThanos and Iron Man 3D Printing Diorama

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Sméagol’s fate is definitely the best example of how the One Ring can enslave the obsessed soul. The hobbit chose to kill his own brother and lived in the underground caves of the Misty Mountains just to never part with his precious possession. The Ring has extended Gollum’s life, twisted his appearance and captured his mind. And who knows, had the poor creature not attacked Frodo on the edge of the Crack of Doom and not accidently destroyed the Ring, the life of Middle-earth could disappear.

The 3D printing figurine of Gollum in the making kindly reminds everyone that such an obsession just like any other addiction can leave one high and dry in the middle of the Misty Mountains.

Maker: Aimeric Guillaumin

Gollum 3D Printing Figurine

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Armored Hulk

As is well known, in Thor: Ragnarok the Asgardian God of Thunder meets Hulk two years after the events of the Battle of Sokovia during the imprisonment on the planet Sakaar. At that time Bruce Banner doesn’t show any signs of his presence, fights ruthlessly in the gladiatorial events called the Contest of Champions and shows no willingness to cooperate. And only the recording of the Black Widow makes Hulk transform back into Bruce and join Thor in his attempts to prevent Ragnarök.

Just take a look at these incredible Hulk 3D printing figurines! Bruce Banner’s alter ego is depicted just perfectly – he is furious, reckless and evergreen! Little does he know that the next opponent in the gladiator fight is going to be Thor – let’s just hope Hulk will recognise his former teammate as quickly as possible 🙂

Maker: Guillaume Gendrot

Armored Hulk 3D Printing Figurine

Maker: Julien Darmon

Armored Hulk 3D Printing Figurine

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Luke Skywalker

After the Galactic Civil War drew to a close Luke Skywalker took responsibility to train the new generation of Jedi and restore the Jedi Order. He taught his young Padawans everything he has ever learnt in his own long training and during his unrivaled Jedi experience. Ben Solo, son of General Han Solo and Princess Leia had also become Luke’s apprentice. Skywalker’s nephew was one of the most powerful pupils that is why Luke’s faith in what he was doing was completely shattered after Ben Solo (later Kylo Ren) turned to the dark side. Filled with guilt he is gone looking for the first Jedi Temple.

The greatest Jedi of the galaxy is depicted with a cybernetic right hand on the platform that resembles the Ahch-To nature, a planet Luke Skywalker has spent his exile on. And the couple of the impressed Porgs at Luke’s feet is just the cutest!

Maker: Fabrizio Bandiera

Luke 3D Printing Figurine

Maker: Rocco Larocca

Luke 3D Printing Figurine

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Freddy Krueger

Did you know that the events of the slasher film series A Nightmare on Elm Street is kind of based on a true story? Sure there was no serial killer who chose to sell his soul to the Dream Demons to break the barrier between the dream world and reality. But quite a great number of young and healthy people were indeed reported to be mysteriously dying in their sleep presumably because of the horrible nightmares. The hair on our arms is literally standing on end!

But here we have Salvatore Maurizio who has no fear of the inexplicable! How do we know that? His Freddy Krueger 3D printed figurine is painted with such define level of detail and precision that the author of the print must have no problem to look the killer straight in the eye for long hours!

Maker: Salvatore Maurizio

Freddy Krueger 3D Printing Figurine

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Chibi Venom

Disowned by father, humiliated among the fellow journalists, fired from the Daily Globe and suffering from adrenal cancer – Eddie Brock’s fate seems to be particularly tragic. Probably that is why he was ‘chosen’ to become the next bonded with the symbiotic alien costume. Eddie’s journalistic/detective attempt to reveal the identity of a serial killer was upset by Spider-Man who managed to expose the real one on the very same day. Thus, the combination of hatred for Peter Parker, despair and thoughts of suicide was enough to feed the costume with great power.

We keep telling that the Chibi 3D printing figurines are usually just cute and harmless miniatures. Not this time! The smile of Jakub’s tiny Venom is just too evil to convince us otherwise!

Maker: Jakub JElen Jelínek

Chibi Venom 3D Printing Figurine

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Teenager Groot

You’ve been warned that Groot’s teenage years are just around the corner. The Guardians’ daily responsibilities just take up too much time for the tree-like creature to throw temper tantrums too often. But who could have guessed that the phrase I am Groot can be delivered with such a scorn and indifference combined with a teenage typical eye roll? But we all know that the extraterrestrial superhero says that lovingly.

All the 3 Teenage Groot 3D printing figurines displayed in this roundup are depicted in their own way according to their authors’ perspective. But what unites all of them is the authors’ incredible painting skills – the figurines look absolutely amazing! One almost can’t tell whether they are printed with plastic/resin or carved from wood.

Maker: Body Youtbe

Teenager Groot 3D Printing Figurine

Maker: Je Kwon Im

Teenager Groot 3D Printing Figurine

Maker: Darrell Kelley

Teenager Groot 3D Printing Figurine

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Heisei Godzilla

We were lucky that Marco Bocciarelli decided to share with all of us his path to this stunning 3D printed monster from the early printing stages to the final painted result. The texture and the chosen colour scheme makes Godzilla look incredibly authentic – we can already see the giant strolling around the streets of Japan.

Most likely this fact is not new to franchise fans but did you know that the first two eras of Godzilla film series, in particular, refer to the Japanese emperors who ruled during the years of production: the Shōwa era and the Heisei era? Movies have reflected the social and political climate in Japan of that time, for example, the Heisei era lasted from 1984 to 1995. So if you are interested in history of Japan you should definitely consider 3D printing of one its most legendary extraterrestrial villains Heisei Godzilla!

Maker: Marco Bocciarelli

Heisei Godzilla 3D Printing Figurine

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Timber Wolf

Have you heard that Timber Wolf is considered to be a Jack-of-all-trades among the heavy MechWarriors? The MadCat is extremely recognisable: egg-like torso, shoulder-mounted missile launchers designed to shower the target at long distances and impressively high speed for the weight of 75 tons. Must be the best Clan Wolf’s innovation – no wonder it is such a popular choice among the BattleTech fans!

The Timber Wolf’s photos Erick Taillon has shared impress with an amazing quality of his creative work – his MechWarrior is so highly detailed and the painting job only complements the precise depiction of MadCat’s weaponry.

Maker: Erick Taillon

Timber Wolf 3D Printing Model

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Jason Voorhees

Twelve (!) slasher films dedicated to the story of the drowned camp boy-turned-killer have already been released in the Friday the 13th franchise! And who knows, maybe Jason will continue to instill with terror the fans of the horror movies for a long time to come.

The diorama depicts Crystal Lake killer dragging the victim whose legs he’s just cut off to his lake. The nearby woods where Mrs. Voorhees’ makeshift shrine is located must already be covered with corpses – that is why the platform for this 3D printing diorama is designed as if the serial killer is walking on the bones of his victims. A bit scary, isn’t it?

Maker: Lionel Twain

Jason Voorhees 3D Printing Figurine

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Iron Man

We can’t but agree that Tony Stark does love to make an entrance! Or, as shown in our Iron Man Mark 46 3D printing figurine, a spectacular take-off. Mark 46 is Tony Stark’s forty-sixth armor that was created sometime after the tragic events of the Battle of Sokovia and before the signing of the Sokovia Accords. It features superhuman strength, durability, built-in speedy jets, powerful repulsors, unibeam, missiles and Iron Man’s loyal companion – the artificial intelligence F.R.I.D.A.Y.

And you may have a question ‘But what is Tony Stark without his suit of armor?’ The answer is clear as day: “genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist”.

Maker: Nguyễn Việt Nam

Iron Man 3D Printing Figurine

Maker: Nik Ji

Iron Man 3D Printing Figurine

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“I couldn’t have everybody bitten by a radioactive spider or exposed to a gamma ray explosion. And I took the cowardly way out. I said to myself, ‘Why don’t I just say they’re mutants. They were born that way.'” That is how one of the most well-known groups of superheroes was created according to the legendary comic book writer Stan Lee. Though Wolverine wasn’t a member of the original team in 1960s, after joining the group a decade later Logan became the breakout X-Men character.

Wolverine 3D printing figurine can boast of impressive physique in his canonic appearance. Must be the result of innumerable fights and combats that Logan participated in during his 137 years of long and tough life. He is depicted furious, mighty and dangerous – Wolverine’s claws are ready for the battle!

Maker: Tommy Kong

Wolverine 3D Printing Figurine

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Merkava 2

Carlos Díaz is a huge machinery fan and he does devote much energy and effort in his amazing 3D printed models. Just take a look at all the close-up shots of his Merkava Mark II Tank! The details are so well defined and the author’s original background/platform is simply spectacular – Carlos did take care of all the fine points of his 3D printed masterpiece!

The Merkava II is an Israeli main battle tank that was first released in April 1983. Anti-rocket netting, improved fire-control system, updated meteorological sensors, thermographic optics and lots of other small adjustments have been introduced after the previous year’s war in Lebanon. Let’s just hope that in the nearest future the only tanks we have will be the 3D printed scaled down ones!

Maker: Carlos Díaz

Merkava 2 3D Printing Model

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We have warned you about Carlos Díaz’s love for vehicles, haven’t we? Our team is sure that his AT-AT Walker 3D printed model will impress and most importantly inspire many 3D printing enthusiasts and Gambody friends. Taking up such a huge and profound project (the model stands 47.8cm wide, 11.8cm deep and 41.3cm tall!) does require some inducement.

The All Terrain Armored Transport (AT-AT) is ‘the most heavily armored ground vehicles in the Imperial Army.’ One of the most recognisable designs in the whole Star Wars universe looks massive, majestic and probably too fantastic to be invulnerable at the same time. Don’t you agree?

Maker: Carlos Díaz

At-at 3d Printing Model At-At 3D Printing Model

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What has begun as a board game in far 1984 is now a highly detailed universe that deals with the technological, political and social development of the alternative world. No wonder millions of fans all over the globe are actively engaged in BattleTech universe either through video, tabletop and card games, series of novels or animated television series. The hardest thing is probably to choose your favourite MechWarrior to engage in combat with because there are tons of them – light, medium, heavy, assault, bipedal, quadrupedal etc – the list of variations is endless.

Here were have a couple of awe-inspiring examples of Catapult 3D printed models shared by two huge BattleTech enthusiasts in our Facebook Community. You can also have such a 3D printing model of the heavy Mech of your own that is, by the way, fully movable with articulated arms and legs! And just like in the video game, Gambody offers additional Guns Packs for you to upgrade and modify the Catapult the way you want!

Maker: Alexei Bruton

Catapult 3D Printing Model

Maker: Barry Spikes

Catapult 3D Printing Model

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The Rocco and Fabrizio duet is back with the another result of their wonderful 3D printing cooperation! Can you actually believe such a perfect print has been made on a printer with FDM technology almost without any post-processing? Goku is depicted mid-fight as if as always ready to defend the Earth with all its inhabitants.

The main protagonist of the Dragon Ball series is considered by many fans to be one of the greatest manga and anime characters of all time. Goku is brave, energetic, caring and respectful. Unlike most Saiyans, Goku is by no means aggressive or violent – after an accident that has changed his memory Goku’s initial mission to destroy the people of the Earth has been long forgotten.

Maker: Rocco Larocca and Fabrizio Bandiera

Goku 3D Printing Figurine

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The common agreement on the origin of the Xenomorph species is yet to be reached. Some propose a theory that the creatures were artificially created as a biological weapon from humans, other imply that they are indeed aliens that have developed naturally on a distant planet very different from Earth.

Thankfully, there is absolutely no doubt about where the two Aliens displayed below come from – these are 3D printed figurines that can be downloaded in the form of STL files from Gambody marketplace. The last but not least and certainly the creepiest participant of our today’s roundup! (We hope Predator won’t hunt us for saying this in order to help us change our opinion)

Maker: Erick Taillon

Alien 3D Printing Figurine

Maker: Darrell Kelley

Alien 3D Printing Figurine

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So that’s it for the September’s selection of the most outstanding and noteworthy prints. Which are your favourite ones so far? Voice your opinions and impressions in the comment section below! Want to see your Gambody 3D printing result featured in the future roundups? Share your works in our Gambody – 3D Printing Gaming Community on Facebook and start receiving well-deserved recognition!

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