Share Your Love for Gambody – Press Release

Spread the word about Gambody among your friends and get rewarded!

London, 2 September 2016 – Gambody is launching a campaign targeted at expanding its online community and audience.

The era of technology allows businesses to spread their roots across continents with a simple click of a button. So, Gambody thought that this means of connecting with people from different corners of the world was the best way to introduce itself to those who didn’t know about it yet.

As a key trend-setter in the 3D printing industry focused on the video game niche, we want to come closer to those who don’t know about us, but who are willing to learn more about us. But for this, we need your help. In return, you will receive valuable discounts and an online platform where you can share your own 3D modelling skills with people who think alike.

To make Gambody stronger and help it grow bigger, invite 5 of your friends to register on Send them an invitation via e-mail using our Invite page (click SHARE in the top green line).

Invite 5 of your friends to register with Gambody and get 30% discount

For this, you will be awarded a one-time 30% discount for any 3D model/s purchased on Gambody. The discount coupon is awarded only if your 5 friends register successfully on our website.

There’s another way you can reach your friends. Share Gambody on 5 of your friends’ Facebook timeline and earn a one-time 20% off your purchase on Gambody.

[blockquote source=”Yurii Yefimov, Gambody co-founder and CPO”]We believe that there is a legion of video game fans out there who will be happy to have their favourite character or any other video game content stylised and optimized for 3D printing, but who simply haven’t heard about Gambody yet. This campaign is an opportunity to have the news spread from friend to friend. To reward those folks who spread the word about our mission, we grant them from 20% to 30% coupon discounts, depending on the means they choose to reach their friends and tell them about us.[/blockquote]

Gambody community members are those who inspire us to create cooler models and awesome 3D prints. We are thankful for their continued support and engagement. Together we can do greater things!

About Gambody
Gambody is the premium 3D printing marketplace. It brings together a large community of video gamers by giving them the possibility to have their beloved game character or game item in tangible form, through 3D printing. The marketplace provides highly detailed STL files, optimized for all 3D printers and connects virtuality with reality. To learn more visit

Media Contacts
Yurii Yefimov
Gambody Marketplace Manager
Email: media [at]
Twitter: @_Dark_Stalker

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