Daring Chaplain 40K Model 3D Printing and Painting Secrets: Interview with Dave English
Being chosen of the Emperor and serving him loyally unto death brings danger and threat to anyone who is Emperor’s enemy. The life of Space Marines is full of battles and deadly adventures because they rejoice only in the glorious act of war. At the same time, Chaplain 40K model for 3D printing makes an outstanding piece of art which you can 3D print, paint and display in the praise to the Emperor.
Bring the Chaos Space Marine 3D model to life with your brush and some paint! London, 7 September 2016 – Gambody’s online workshop of printed and painted 3D models has a new addition – the Chaos Space Marine 3D model.

How Do You Paint Your Chaos Space Marine 3D Model? – Press Release by Gambody
Bring the Chaos Space Marine 3D model to life with your brush and some paint!
London, 7 September 2016 – Gambody’s online workshop of printed and painted 3D models has a new addition – the Chaos Space Marine 3D model.
Top 10 Warhammer 40K 3D Printing Files
3D printing doesn’t cease to amaze all those who witness its progression over the years. It developed to the level when you can 3D print a multicolor miniature on a single 3D printer. 3D printing has gone as far as enabling 3D printer owners to print their items in various types of material: from plastic to expensive metals, such as silver and gold.