8 Titanfall 3D Models
Titanfall is a first-person shooter video game in which the players control a mech-like machine, also known as Titan. Knowing video game’s fans passion for Mechs and robot-like machines, this roundup of Titanfall-inspired 3D models will please many of you.
Top 10 3D Printed Video Game Guns
3D printed video game guns are a big thing among video game players and cosplayers. Playing soldiers has never been more fun than now. Especially, when there’s so much inspiration to take from popular video game worlds.

Top 10 3D Printed Video Game Props
How about 3D printing video game props and using them in cosplay? Cosplay, a movement that unites costumes and role-playing with the possibility to have weapons and other props from video games in 3D printed form, allows all gamers and fans to step into their beloved character’s shoes and to wield dangerous guns, swords, and other weapons.