25 3D Printing Cosplay Items To Bring the Game to Life
We all know that 3D printing cosplay has become a branch of the 3D printing industry. If you don’t believe it visit one of the Comic-Con events and you will see it for yourself. Gamers all over the world are working on their costumes months before the event dedicated to video games and movies. They only have a couple of days at their disposal to make themselves seen by the entire audience.
8 Titanfall 3D Models
Titanfall is a first-person shooter video game in which the players control a mech-like machine, also known as Titan. Knowing video game’s fans passion for Mechs and robot-like machines, this roundup of Titanfall-inspired 3D models will please many of you.
Top 10 3D Printed Video Game Guns
3D printed video game guns are a big thing among video game players and cosplayers. Playing soldiers has never been more fun than now. Especially, when there’s so much inspiration to take from popular video game worlds.

How about Cosplay 3D Printing?
Cosplay 3D printing is the most recent hobby activity that helps cosplayers around the world to create amazing costumes. We already know about 3D print game models and other 3D printing video game content. But the opportunities are limitless.