Top 10 3D Printing WOW Characters to Make in 2019

Fans of a good-old WOW game were excited to see the release of World of Warcraft Classic at the end of August 2019. This new server option of one of the world’s most popular games gives 3D printing enthusiasts even more ideas of what to craft in 2019. A selection of some of the best 3D printing WOW characters can guide you through the astonishing lost era of Azeroth.

The original War of Warcraft (WOW) was presented to gamers back in 2004. It received numerous expansions in the next years. And now, 15 years later, it is possible to experience the base gameplay as it was in 2006, with no further developments added.

3D printing WOW characters World of Warcraft figurines

3D Printing WOW Characters

The latest World of Warcraft Classic version 2019 recreates the original game spirit. You can also feel that spirit by 3D printing your WOW character and making a fantastic collection of World of Warcraft statues and figurines.

Gambody’s list of the 10 most incredible 3D printing WOW characters includes a gorgeous Jaina statue, King Varian Wrynn figurine, great warrior Durotan, powerful warlock Gul’dan, attractive Sylvanas, and other recognized orcs and warriors.

1. World of Warcraft Jaina Statue 3D printing Model

A beautiful and most powerful sorceress alive, Jaina Proudmoore, is undoubtedly one of the best 3D printing WOW characters ever created.

You can craft this gorgeous statue, designed by Docik, on your 3D printer. There are high-quality STLs of this amazing woman from Azeroth on Gambody – Premium 3D Printing Marketplace.

The assembled model is 30 cm (12 inches) tall. It is cut into 37 parts for FDM 3D printers, which simplifies the whole process of its crafting, painting and assembling.

Here is a fantastic example of Jaina statue from WOW game. It is made by Tomáš Docik Dotzauer:

World of Warcraft Jaina statue 3D printed model
Maker: Tomáš Docik Dotzauer

Download STL files with World of Warcraft Jaina statue 3D printing model.

2. King Varian Wrynn Statue to 3D Print

If you enjoy playing World of Warcraft Classic game, you can make a fantastic statue of King Varian Wrynn. This man was a wonderful King of Stormwind whom you can make alive on your 3D printer.

Dennis designed this stunning WOW character, available in STL files. The King Varian Wrynn has the Alliance banner and Shalamayne sword in his hands. This warrior statue reaches a height of 38 cm (15 inches).

With the release of World of Warcraft Classic, some crafters got interested in making a figurine of Varian. Here is the king’s head 3D printed by Jeremy Harris who began working on his new project this fall:

King Varian Wrynn statue WOW 3D printing model
Varian’s head maker: Jeremy Harris

Download premium STL files with amazing King Varian Wrynn statue from World of Warcraft game to 3D print.

3. Warcraft Durotan Figure

Durotan is also an astonishing figure to craft. He belongs to the orcs race. And all orcs are impressive and fierce warriors.

While this particular model was inspired by Warcraft movie, you can still 3D print it for your collection of 3D printing WOW characters. The figure was designed by David Knight. It consists of 13 parts that should be assembled after printing. It reaches nearly 30 cm (12 inches) in height.

This fantastic warrior from the vast Warcraft universe was created by Gastón Moll:

Warcraft Durotan figure 3D printing model
Maker: Gastón Moll

Download STLs with Warcraft Durotan 3D printing figure.

Read also: 30 Best 3D Printing Halloween Ideas 2019: Masks, Décor, Costumes, Props

4. World of Warcraft Gul’dan 3D Printing Statue

A former orcish shaman who turned into a warlock looks gorgeous and horrifying at the same time. This character betrayed his people and founded the Horde, and now Gul’dan cannot wait to be 3D printed by you. This Destroyer of Dreams is powerful, eye-catching and WOW-to-craft.

A model designed by David Knight and offered at Gambody – Premium 3D Printing marketplace is cut into 34 parts. It arrives with a beautiful cursed-ground platform. Together with it, the height of this statue reaches 46 cm (18 inches).

This stunning Gul’dan statue was 3D printed and painted by Jannie Sandholm:

World of Warcraft Gul’dan 3D printing statue
Maker: Jannie Sandholm

Download premium STL files with World of Warcraft (WOW) Gul’dan 3D printing figurine.

5. WOW Sylvanas 3D Printing Statue

A gorgeous Lady Moon and Queen of the Forsaken, Sylvanas Windrunner is a brave WOW girl. She used to lead the high elf’s army, fight against the army of undead until she got killed. After her death, she was turned into a slave.

Still, you can free this beautiful lady from slavery by creating her statue and adding it to your collection of 3D printing WOW characters.

The model was also created by David Knight. It is cut into 25 parts. When assembled, it is 47 cm (18.5 inches) in height.

You can paint it to look fantastic and mysterious like it was done by Jannie Sandholm:

WOW Sylvanas 3D printing statue
Maker: Jannie Sandholm

Or you can scale your project to resemble the one crafted by Theodoros Kyriakidis:

World of Warcraft Sylvanas 3D printed model
Maker: Theodoros Kyriakidis

Download STLs with World of Warcraft Sylvanas 3D printing character. For the Horde!

6. Warcraft Illidan Statue 3D Print, STL

Illidan, a night elf, has founded Illidary. This WOW character possesses magical powers, but he often commits horrific acts against different races of Azeroth.

You can prison him on your bookshelf after you make his statue. There are top-quality STL files of this impressive model available at Gambody. Designed by David Knight, this project consists of 18 parts. Its height is over 29 cm (11.5 inches).

This WOW project was crafted by Damien Faguier on his Alfawise U20 3D printer:

Warcraft Illidan statue 3D print STL
Maker: Damien Faguier

Find more stunning 3D printed Warcraft Illidan statues on Facebook.

Download World of Warcraft 3D printing STL files for making an Illidan statue.

7. WOW Grom Hellscream Statue 3D Printing Model

You can add the leader of the War Song clan to your collection of the most incredible 3D printing WOW characters in 2019. Grommash Hellscream, also known as Grom, loves to fight. He never misses a battle and always uses his axe Bloody Howl.

The statue modelled by Docik is 29.5 cm (11.6 inches) in height once built on a 3D printer and assembled. The FDM version is divided into 12 parts to minimize the printing time and assembling process. This amount of pieces also makes it easier to paint your model.

These fantastic Grom 3D prints were built by Steven James Calcky and Tomáš Docik Dotzauer:

WOW Grom Hellscream Statue 3D printing model
Makers: Steven James Calcky; Tomáš Docik Dotzauer

Download STL files with Grom Hellscream 3D printing statue.

8. Garrosh Hellscream Statue

Grom’s son, Garrosh Hellscream, can also be a great addition to your collection of World of Warcraft 3D printing characters.

The famous Warchief of the Horde is an evil WOW character. He looks fierce and willing to fight until his last breath.

Gambody offers a high-quality 3D printing model of Garrosh designed by Docik. It consists of 24 parts to simplify its crafting on FDM 3D printers. The assembled statue is 41 cm (16 inches) tall.

An inspiring video with 3D printed Garrosh Hellscream was shared by Steven James Calcky:

Maker: Steven James Calcky

This fantastic statue of Garrosh Hellscream was created by Dmitry Seryogin:

World of Warcraft Garrosh Hellscream 3D printing statue
Maker: Dmitry Seryogin

Download premium STLs with Garrosh Hellscream 3D printing figurine.

9. WOW Lich King Statue

World of Warcraft has many evil characters who are fierce, cynical and ruthless. Lich King is such a man. He likes to punish, and he hates those who oppose him.

A 3D printing figurine of Lich King, designed by David Knight, depicts an outrageous WOW warrior who is afraid of nothing and nobody. Gambody divided this model into 25 parts to let you enjoy a smooth 3D printing process. Together with its stand, this Lich version is nearly 40 cm (16 inches) in height.

This impressive Lich King statue was made by Sascha Wesler, whose painting job is outstanding:

WOW Lich King statue 3D printed model
Maker: Sascha Wesler

Download STL files with WOW Lich King statue to 3D print on your own.

10. World of Warcraft Orc Warrior Statue

Orcs live in many fantasy books, games and movies. They inhabit Azeroth in World of Warcraft. And this race is notable for its strength and desire to fight. They are warriors who are fun to 3D print for your WOW collection.

A model of Orc The Executioner was inspired by a character from the WOW film. It was designed by mirkoartemico. This figurine depicts the aggressive personality of the orcs. It shows The Executioner celebrating his victory in the fight, with the victim’s skull in his hand.

The 3D printing figurine is cut into 22 parts. Its height is 34 cm (13 inches) when assembled.

World of Warcraft Orc warrior statue 3D printing model

Download premium STLs with orc The Executioner 3D printing statue.

These are the most fantastic 3D printing WOW characters that look stunning as statues and figurines. Expand your collection of World of Warcraft Classic game figures in 2019. And join Gambody Facebook Group to share images of your new 3D prints and inspire other enthusiasts and crafters from all over the world to shout, “For the Horde”!

Read also: Top Joker 3D Printed Model: Collection of 15 Villain Figurines to Make in 2019

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