One of the things you can watch over and over again is the space opera created by George Lucas. We wish to recollect some of the most incredible characters that become top Star Wars models for 3D printing. One of Gambody enthusiasts, David Ventola, loves to 3D print upscaled models from this iconic universe. We are sure you will adore his Boba Fett 3D print, R2-D2 astromech droid and Darth Vader figurine.
A fan of the Star Wars universe, David owns several 3D printers. He knows how to transform original Star Wars models for 3D printing into statues that are over 70 cm (27 inches) tall. Each project made by this enthusiast impresses with stunning details, smooth surfaces and juicy colours.

Star Wars Models for 3D Printing
You will enjoy learning all the details of how the talented hobbyist printed and painted the Boba Fett 3D print and other famous characters, Darth Vader and R2-D2. Suppose you wish to also work on the same Star Wars models offered on Gambody – Premium 3D printing marketplace. In that case, you can download their files right away:
- Get Boba Fett STL files to 3D print this figurine;
- Download R2-D2 model STL files for 3D printing;
- Get Darth Vader figurine STL files.
The Star Wars story continues. In the new TV series, The Mandalorian, the adventures are set five years after the events of Return of the Jedi. The bounty hunter Din Djarin wants to save Baby Yoda and help the Child to return to the Jedi. You can explore the variety of fantastic 3D printing models from The Mandalorian collection. Also, get the latest Speeder Bike model STL files along with Din Djarin The Mandalorian figurine STL files.
The streaming season 2 of The Mandalorian 2020 offers more fantastic adventures and brings back to the screen some well-known characters from the Star Wars universe. Meanwhile, let us enjoy highly-detailed good-old Star Wars models for 3D printing.
It is time to get acquainted with David Ventola and his fantastic 3D printed Star Wars figurines.
1. David, it is great to talk to you! Can you please tell us more about yourself and your hobby? When and how were you introduced to 3D printing?
Well, I was introduced to 3D printing about six years ago. Back then, I saw a video on YouTube how a gentleman was building a life-size R2-D2 model, one of the best Star Wars models for 3D printing. I was hooked immediately.

I spent about a year deciding which 3D printer I should buy and what I could afford. I was learning what software I would need, etc. It was how I bought a Creality CR-10 machine which was a superb 3D printer for a beginner.
I learned as much about my CR-10 as I could. At first, I was making small models. I must have printed about 2000 miniature models in the first year. Many of them were skulls. So, I have an extensive collection of 3D printed skulls.
2. Are you a big fan of Star Wars? Which 3D printing models from this universe are available in your collection?
I’m a big Star Wars fan. I was eight years old when the first instalment of the original Star Wars trilogy came out in 1977. When I saw it, I was just blown away.
I’ve built so many Star Wars helmets (Boba Fett, Darth Vader, Stormtroopers) and turned many Star Wars models for 3D printing into fantastic projects. My house is like a museum.

3. Your fantastic Boba Fett 3D print, Darth Vader figurine, R2-D2 droid captivate with bright colours and love for details. Why do you choose to scale up the Star Wars 3D printing models?
Good question. The first model I bought from Gambody – Premium 3D printing marketplace was R2-D2.

It came out great, and my grandson LJ asked if I could make him bigger. And that’s when it all started.

I scaled up every model I bought from Gambody, including Star Wars models for 3D printing, to the maximum to fit on my printer bed or made them even bigger.
You guys haven’t seen the Han Solo figurine in carbonite I did or Stormtroopers figurines I printed. They also stand at around 73 cm (29 inches).

4. Which 3D printer do you use for making big 3D prints?
Right now, I have two printers. I use Creality CR-10S and Creality CR-10S Pro.
I used to have four 3D printers. But I gave the Creality Ender-3 and CR-10 to my daughter. I’m looking into getting a resin printer now.

5. Let us talk about your Boba Fett 3D print. This statue reaches 29 inches (73 cm) in height. You mentioned that it required over two rolls of filament. Which PLA brand and colours did you use?
I tried and stayed with Hatchbox PLA Filament. I use mostly black and white filament since I’ve started sanding and painting models.
It doesn’t matter to me what colours to select. But I stick with black, white or silver.

I made the Boba Fett 3D print from the Star Wars 3D printing collection with Hatchbox Shiny Silver colour mostly. I do find this filament brand to be easy to work with for sanding and painting.
6. Did you have to cut the model files yourself? Or did you scale everything up proportionally?
I tried to scale them up as big as I could to fit on my 3D printers. Still, I had to cut some files.
For example, I had to cut the Alien Queen Diorama vs Darth Vader diorama STL files for 3D printing. I used Meshmixer software for that.
I would love to use Fusion 360 and learn it, but I spent enough on my printers and supplies. Don’t need to make my wife angry, lol.
7. Can you recollect how and why you applied XTC3D resin to Boba Fett 3D print made of PLA?
XTC3D resin has helped me out so many times! I use other resin as 3M, but I still love XTC3D resin more.

Not every print comes out 100% perfect. Sometimes it requires a little extra love as it was with Boba Fett 3D print. I like to use plastic wood filler or pool putty to fix any imperfections a 3D printed model has. I do a little sanding. Then I apply a coat or two coats of XTC3D resin. I do some more sanding with 150 grit sandpaper, and then I use 2-in-1 spray filler from rust-oleum. I sand the model again with 600 grit wet-or-dry sandpaper and then 800 grit wet-or-dry sandpaper. Afterwards, I work with 2000 grit wet-or-dry sandpaper.
The print comes out so smooth in the end. So, applying a little love can fix everything.
8. How long did making 73-cm-tall Boba Fett 3D print take you?
I had to go back and look at my notes. Yes, I take notes on the printing times, the amount of filament I use on each part, etc.

The Boba Fett 3D print took me nine days of printing with two 3D printers going 24 hours straight.
9. Is it possible to learn more about your Darth Vader and R2-D2 3D prints? They have also been scaled up. Is scaling a complicated process? How do you manage it?
Scaling is not hard at all. What I do is find the most significant part of the model and scale it up to a maximum size which would fit on my print bed. I did it with several Star Wars models for 3D printing.
Now, usually, the legs are the most significant part to print, so I start with them. But in the case with Darth Vader 3D printing figurine, the most prominent part was the cape. So, I have to cut it or make it out of fabric.

10. You mentioned that Darth Vader 3D print took you approximately three months and 17 rolls of filament. How much more time do such projects require?
I haven’t finished the Darth Vader 3D print yet. I’m still working on it.
I build a lot of cosplay helmets for people. It’s how I pay for 3D printing paints, filament and my electric bill, which does cost a lot, hahaha. I maybe have 60 more pieces to print on the Alien Queen vs Darth Vader diorama for 3D printing. I should have thought about this project more cause it is massive so I’m going to have to get rid of some stuff.

I do have a massive collection of Star Wars 3D prints and other models. For example, I have the fantastic 3D printed Ice Dragon from Gambody marketplace, which I also upscaled for printing. I have to paint the dragon figurine and let me tell you it’s massive.
I bought 12 3D printing models from Gambody, and 11 of them are scaled up, including all Star Wars models for 3D printing. The only project I haven’t scaled up is the Tank M1A2 Abrams Tusk 3D printing model. But I will at some point upscale it as well.
11. What is the most challenging about scaling up a 3D printing model?
For me, it is slicing. If I can get every piece to fit the bed, it is easy. But when I have to start cutting the files in half, it could be tricky. When you glue the parts together, you want to be able to hide all the seams, and it is the hardest thing for me.
Trust me; I printed parts to find out later that they wouldn’t work. So, I had to go back and figure it out, re-cut and re-print to find out that wouldn’t work either. But I love a good challenge.
12. You upscaled the Darth Vader 3D print by 500%. Which size is it now? How much does it weigh?
The Darth Vader 3D print is the same height and weight as my Grandson LJ. Lol, I am just kidding. This figurine stands at 3 1/12 feet (93 cm) height. It weighs roughly 12 lbs (5.4 kg).

I lowered my infill to 10%, and some parts are as much as 5% to save on time and filament.
13. If comparing with Darth Vader figurine and Boba Fett 3D print, the fantastic R2-D2 model scaled up at 300% was a quicker project. It took you approximately two weeks of printing. Did two printers, Creality CR-10S and CR-10S Pro, print non-stop?
R2-D2 was the quickest and the most fun model to make because I love R2-D2. Who doesn’t? It is one of the best Star Wars models for 3D printing.

I’m also working on a life-size R2-D2 3D print. I finished the Dome several weeks ago.
I usually work on a model every day. On some of the projects, I must work from 8 to 10 hours a day.
14. How do you work with wood filler to smooth the 3D printed parts?
Sometimes you might get a lousy layer or a heat creep. And these imperfections can kill your model so a little plastic wood filler and gentle sanding can help.
I usually start with 100 grit or 150 grit sandpaper depending on how bad the imperfection is. I stop sanding at 1000 grit wet dry. It is a long process.

15. How else did you prepare the R2-D2 3D print for painting? Can you recollect how you were using Rust-Oleum Automotive Sandable Filler, sanding and priming the model?
My process is pretty straightforward, but it does take time. After I printed the R2-D2 model, I used 100 grit sandpaper and gave it a quick sanding so that I could see all of the mistakes.

Then I covered up the mistakes with the plastic wood filler and re-sanded the droid again with 150 grit until everything looked smooth. Then I added a layer of XTC3D and let that dry overnight. The next day, I gave it a quick sanding again with 150 grit sanding without removing the XTC3D resin, and I sprayed with Rust-Oleum Automotive Sandable Filler 2-in-1. If I see no gaps or imperfection, I will use 600 grit wet dry sandpaper. If there are still imperfections, I repeat the process as many times as needed.

Once I see no imperfections, I use the 600 grit wet-or-dry sandpaper. I dip it in water and give it some sanding. Then I move over to 800 grit wet-or-dry sandpaper and repeat the same procedure of dipping in water and sanding every part. Then my last step is using 2000 grit wet-or-dry sandpaper. But this time the model is dry as I go over it. It becomes very smooth, and I can start the painting.
16. Which painting method, airbrushing or hand-painting, do you like the most? Why?
Hand painting is the hardest for me because I don’t have a steady hand. But I love airbrushing. I feel I get a better look from airbrushing.

When I first started 3D printing and created my first 3D prints, I sent them to my daughter Amber because she was amazing with a brush. She was the one to suggest that I should try airbrushing. It took me some time to learn it. I watched many YouTube videos, and I still do.
My feeling is this. Whatever you do, don’t think you know everything because there is always someone out there who knows something you don’t. Don’t be afraid to ask questions and keep learning.
17. Where do you display your beautiful 3D printed Star Wars models?
Some are in my back office, and some are displayed in the house. My wife loves that.
And believe it or not, I enjoy giving them away to people who ask for them. For me, it’s all about 3D printing and then painting the models. Then I appreciate them for a while, but I love to give them to someone else to enjoy.

Plus, I need to make room for other models I print because I am running out of space. I have an extensive collection of helmets made for other people and me. My grandkids call me the toymaker, which is funny.
18. Do you have plans to add more Star Wars models for 3D printing to your collection?
I am already working on my second Stormtrooper figurine. I have just finished one of them.
I want to add Yoda character. I hope that Gambody marketplace would release a Yoda figurine in a fighting pose, with his lightsabre ready to fight. I like the 3D printing models of Master Yoda, and Baby Yoda figurine offered on Gambody. Still, to be honest, I see so many of Yoda on the web looking similar to the one Gambody has.
There is a scene in the Clone Wars movie at the end when Yoda is fighting Count Dooku. The look that Yoda has is like I’m-goanna-own-you, and he is holding his green lightsabre that I would love to make it and would not give it away.
19. Which Star Wars 3D printing models are you working on now?
Right now, I am working on a few Star Wars models. My 3D printers are running everyday none-stop.
I’m painting my second Stormtrooper figurine, Han Solo in Carbonite, Alien Queen vs Darth Vader diorama. I am also 3D printing the Godfather figurine and I can’t wait to finish painting it. But I’m not so good at painting human faces, so we will see how it comes out.

Yes, I scale everything up, including The Godfather. It is a big figurine. You will see for yourself.

20. What would you like to advise other Gambody enthusiasts regarding 3D printing and how it can help to fight with stress and problems?
Sometimes 3D printing cause stress hahaha. No, I am just joking. For me, it is a stress-reliever after a day of work and everything going on in this world.
When I go in my backroom to start printing, painting and working on Gambody 3D printing models, I forget about everything. And when what on my mind is gone, I can focus on what I’m doing. And when I finish a model, I look at it and see what I created. I don’t know it’s just cool. Then I give it to someone as a gift.
Which of the Star Wars models for 3D printing would you like to add to your collection of 3D prints? Be it Stormtroopers, Baby Yoda, Boba Fett, R2-D2, Darth Vader or someone else, make sure you show the photos of your creations. Join Gambody 3D Printing Community on Facebook and enjoy communication with other hobbyists and makers from across the world.