This 3D Miniature consists of files in StereoLithography (.Stl) format that have been optimized for 3D printing.
Before printing the files, we strongly recommend reading the PRINTING DETAILS section.
Version 1 and Version 2 are the files for Master Roshi 3D Miniature optimized for 3D printing, the preview pictures of which you see above.
It is recommended:
- to print Version 1 STL files on FDM/FFF 3D printers;
- to print Version 2 STL files on DLP/SLA/SLS 3D printers.
Master Roshi, also known as Muten-Roshi, is a character from the Dragon Ball. He is called the Turtle Hermit due to the heavy turtle shells that he and his students would wear on their backs for weight training, Master Roshi is an ancient and wise martial arts master, as well as the innovator of the Kamehameha technique. He wears beach clothes or martial arts suits, wields a walking stick, and during the earlier stages of the series, a turtle shell on his back. Unassuming yet wily, and physically frail at first glance, Master Roshi is depicted as a mighty warrior who constantly defies expectations in spite of his advanced age. Roshi is known for his lewd actions throughout the series and is constantly ogling at young women on television exercise shows in his spare time or looking at pornographic magazines. He even bribes the young teen Bulma to show him her panties in exchange for a Dragon Ball earlier in the series. On the other hand, Master Roshi would be depicted as a very wise and compassionate person during the more serious moments in the series, who loves life and its simple pleasures, but is willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for his friends and students if necessary, such as when he risked his health and pushed his physical limits in order to perform the Mafuba technique against various opponents who could not be dispatched by conventional means.
The model is saved in STL files, a format supported by most 3D printers.
FDM version features:
- Contain 8 parts;
- Made with turtle shell and stuff;
- Made with shuriken stylized platform;
- All parts are divided in such way that you will print them with the smallest amount of supports.
SLS/SLA version features:
- Same as FDM but smaller and made as 5 parts.
All STL files for 3D printing have been checked in Netfabb and no errors were shown.
Note: Before starting 3D printing the model, read the Printing Details for CURA 3.2.1. Software.
There are 8 parts for FFF/FDM version and 5 parts for SLS/SLA version.
Scale: His tall in life is 1650 mm. Model made as 1/8 scale in FDM version and 1/16 in SLS/SLA version.
FDM version dimensions:
After being printed will stand - 218 mm tall, 214 mm wide, 205 mm deep;
SLS/SLA version dimensions:
After being printed will stand - 109 mm tall, 103 mm wide, 103 mm deep;
- Has few details, to keep printing costs down.
- STL files of Master Roshi 3D Miniature for 3D printing which consist of 13 parts;
- 2 versions of files for this model for FFF/FDM and SLS/SLA;
- Made with shuriken stylized platform;
- High-poly detailed miniature of Master Roshi;
- Detailed settings that we provide for Cura 3.2.1. for the best print;
- Full technical support from the Gambody Support Team.
Watch the tutorial video on how to assemble Master Roshi 3D Printing Miniature at Gambody YouTube channel.
You can get Miniature of Master Roshi for 3D Printing right now! Just click the green Buy button in the top-right corner of the model’s page. You can pay with PayPal or your credit card.
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This model was tested in Cura 3.2.1 and printed on an Ultimaker 2 in PLA material.
To avoid printing problems, we recommend the following settings:
Layer Height: 0.1 mm
Initial Layer Height: 0.3 mm
Line Width: 0.4 mm
Wall Line Width: 0.4 mm
Outer Wall Line Width: 0.4 mm
Inner Wall(s) Line Width: 0.4 mm
Top/Bottom Line Width: 0.4 mm
Infill Line Width: 0.4 mm
Skirt/Brim Line Width: 0.4 mm
Initial Layer Line Width: 100%
Wall Thickness: 0.8 mm
Wall Line Count: 2
Outer Wall Wipe Distance: 0.2 mm
Top Surface Skin Layers: 0
Top/Bottom Thickness: 0.8 mm
Top Thickness: 0.8 mm
Top Layers: 8
Bottom Thickness: 0.8 mm
Bottom Layers: 8
Top/Bottom Pattern: Lines
Bottom Pattern Initial Layer: Lines
Top/Bottom Line Directions: [ ]
Outer Wall Inset: 0 mm
Compensate Wall Overlaps: Check
Compensate Outer Wall Overlaps: Check
Compensate Inner Wall Overlaps: Check
Fill Gaps Between Walls: Everywhere
Filter Out Tiny Gaps: Check
Horizontal Expansion: 0 mm
Initial Layer Horizontal Expansion: 0 mm
Z Seam Alignment: Sharpest Corner
Seam Corner Preference: Hide Seam
Ignore Small Z Gaps: Check
Extra Skin Wall Count: 1
Infill Density: 20%
Infill Line Distance: 4.0 mm
Infill Pattern: Grid
Infill Line Directions: [ ]
Infill X Offset: 0 mm
Infill Y Offset: 0 mm
Infill Overlap Percentage: 10%
Infill Overlap: 0.04 mm
Skin Overlap Percentage: 5%
Skin Overlap: 0.02 mm
Infill Wipe Distance: 0.1 mm
Infill Layer Thickness: 0.1 mm
Gradual Infill Steps: 0
Infill Before Walls: Check
Minimum Infill Area: 0 mm2
Skin Removal Width: 0.8 mm
Top Skin Removal Width: 0.8 mm
Bottom Skin Removal Width: 0.8 mm
Skin Expand Distance: 0.8
Top Skin Expand Distance: 0.8
Bottom Skin Expand Distance: 0.8
Maximum Skin Angle for Expansion: 90˚
Minimum Skin Width for Expansion: 0.0
Enable Retraction: Check
Retraction Extra Prime Amount: 0 mm3
Retraction Minimum Travel: 0.8 mm
Maximum Retraction Count: 90
Minimum Extrusion Distance Window: 6.5 mm
Nozzle Switch Retraction Distance: 16 mm
Nozzle Switch Retraction Speed: 20 mm/s
Nozzle Switch Retract Speed: 20 mm/s
Nozzle Switch Prime Speed: 20 mm/s
Print Speed: 45 mm/s
Infill Speed: 50 mm/s
Wall Speed: 22.5 mm/s
Outer Wall Speed: 22.5 mm/s
Inner Wall Speed: 45 mm/s
Top/Bottom Speed: 15 mm/s
Travel Speed: 120 mm/s
Initial Layer Speed: 30 mm/s
Initial Layer Print Speed: 30 mm/s
Initial Layer Travel Speed: 60 mm/s
Skirt/Brim Speed: 30 mm/s
Maximum Z Speed: 0 mm/s
Number of Slower Layers: 2
Combing Mode: All
Avoid Printed Parts when Traveling: Check
Travel Avoid Distance: 0.625 mm
Layer Start X: 0.0 mm
Layer Start Y: 0.0 mm
Enable Print Cooling: Check
Fan Speed: 100%
Regular Fan Speed: 100%
Maximum Fan Speed: 100%
Regular/Maximum Fan Speed Threshold: 10 s
Initial Fan Speed: 0%
Regular Fan Speed at Height: 0.3 mm
Regular Fan Speed at Layer: 2
Minimum Layer Time: 5 s
Minimum Speed: 10 mm/s
Generate Support: Check
Support Placement: Everywhere
Support Overhang Angle: 60°
Support Pattern: Zig Zag
Connect Support ZigZags: Check
Support Density: 15 %
Support Line Distance: 1.3333 mm
Support Z Distance: 0.3 mm
Support Top Distance: 0.3 mm
Support Bottom Distance: 0.3 mm
Support X/Y Distance: 0.7 mm
Support Distance Priority: Z overrides X/Y
Minimum Support X/Y Distance: 0.2 mm
Support Stair Step Height: 0.3 mm
Support Stair Step Maximum Width: 5.0 mm
Support Join Distance: 2.0 mm
Support Horizontal Expansion: 0.2 mm
Support Infill Layer Thickness: 0.1 mm
Use Towers: Check
Tower Diameter: 3.0 mm
Minimum Diameter: 3.0 mm
Tower Roof Angle: 65°
Build Plate Adhesion
Build Plate Adhesion Type: Brim
Skirt/Brim Minimum Length: 250 mm
Brim Width: 8.0 mm
Brim Line Count: 18
Brim Only on Outside: Check
Mesh Fixes
Union Overlapping Volumes: Check
Merged Meshes Overlap: 0.15 mm
Special Modes
Print Sequence: All at Once
Surface Mode: Normal
Slicing Tolerance: Middle
Maximum Resolution: 0.01 mm
Flow rate compensation max extrusion offset: 0 mm
Flow rate compensation factor: 100%
Disclaimer: This model will look outstanding if printed on SLA/SLS 3D printer. The accuracy of the model printed on FFF printer can vary from the result shown in the pictures.